Billing Period
Meter readings are taken bi-monthly, as near the same date of the month as practicable.
Our customers are billed bi-monthly for water and/or sewer charges. Therefore, customers receive 6 bills a year.
If your account starts with 02, 04, 10 or 16 you will receive your bills in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November.
If you account starts with 01, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 14 or 17 you will receive your bills in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December.
Billing & Payment
Bills are mailed to the address on file with the Water and Sewer Department. Failure to receive bills for water and/or sanitary sewer service will not relieve you from responsibility for prompt payment. To avoid any delays in receiving your bill, please notify us immediately of any mailing addresschanges.
The due date as stamped on the bill shall be approximately ten (10) working days from the date of billing and shall be the last date for receipt of payment in full without incurring penalty.
Bills shall be paid at the Warren County Water and Sewer Department. Come to 406 Justice Drive if you are making your payment in person. Otherwise, mail your payment to P.O. Box 530, Lebanon, Ohio 45036.
The date payment is received at the office of the Water and Sewer Department shall be determinative of the time payment is received. If you are paying by mail or by automatic payment processed by your bank, payment should be made early enough to insure your payment will be received by the due date. Payment must be received by the due date, not postmarked by the due date.
Where bills for water and/or sewer service are not paid in full on or before the due date stated on the bill, a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount due shall be added to the net amount of the bill. The gross amount stated on the bill is the net amount due, plus penalty for late payment.
Bills remaining unpaid following the due date stated on the bill shall be declared delinquent. The customer shall be notified by a Discontinuance of Service Notice. If the bill is not paid within ten (10) working days of the due date stated on the Discontinuance of Service Notice, water service shall be terminated the following day and sewer service shall be terminated shortly thereafter.
Water and/or sanitary sewer service shall be re-established only during regular business hours (Mon. thru Fri. from 8:00AM to 4:30PM, excluding holidays) and only after payment in full of all delinquent charges, including rates, surcharges, penalties and turn-on charges.
If said bill is not paid in full within sixty (60) days of the due date stated on said bill, the delinquent bill may be certified over, together with the accumulated penalty, to the County Auditor for collection at the same time as other taxes and assessments are collected.
Upon termination of water services, the account balance shall be refunded to the customer, provided the amount is greater than $3.00. No refund less than $3.00 shall be made.